• Category Archives General
  • Synrad F100 F200 F201 F400 New Laser Tube Replacements

    To all Synrad F100; F200; F201; F400 Users:

    Photovac Laser Worldwide continues to be the leader in new laser tube replacements for your Synrad laser system. Photovac Laser has newly remanufactured laser tubes with a full 18-month prorated warranty for your Synrad Laser System. Our newly remanufactured laser tubes output power within or exceed the original manufactures specifications.

    Now considering new 200-watt lasers cost $30,000.00, and 400-watt lasers cost $50,000.00, not to mention power supplies and accessories, add another $5000 to 8000 thousand dollars. If you have a laser cutting system, a new laser tube may not even integrate into your table. What about your Kern table or your integrators’ table? Think about it. Photovac laser tubes cost less than half of a new replacement laser and offer you as much time, if not more, than today’s new laser tubes.

    Please take the time today and call our sales office and ask about repair services for your Synrad or other Co2 laser system. Photovac Laser services over 36 types of Co2 laser models and has been servicing lasers for the past 39 years. Pick up the phone and call us free of charge at 1.888.349.8823, or email us @ Sales @photovaclaser.com.

    Christopher Zelich, President/CEO

  • Coherent K225i 9.4um Laser Regas

    To all of our Coherent 9.4um laser users:

    Photovac Laser is always ready to repair and regas your Coherent K225i 9.4um laser. 9.4um laser gas is a highly tricky mixture and requires excellent expertise to make and properly function the laser tube. At Photovac Laser, our professionals can remanufacture your K225i or 88i laser and fill it with our highly proprietary 9.4um co2 laser mixture. We also can fill Synrad 9.4um laser tubes too. So when you require your 9.4um laser regassed, don’t forget to call Photovac Laser @ 614.875.3300

  • 3rd. Party Aborted Repair fee’s increase!

    To all our new customers:

    Many new customers are trying to save money by going to 3rd. Parties to save money on laser tube regas or radio frequency supply repairs. Photovac Laser is highly recognized in the field of laser tube remanufacturing and radio frequency repairs for all brands of Co2 laser manufacturers. When it comes to repairing other 3rd. Party laser issues, Photovac Laser, is put into a challenging position to correct their problems. If we receive equipment from Evergreen Laser or Bell Laser with aborted repairs, Photovac Laser will charge an aborted repair fee of $1000.00 per occurrence. Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions @ 614.875.3300 or 1.888.349.8823

    Christopher Zelich, President

  • Coherent G150 Service, E Series

    “After carefully considering repairing our Coherent G150 Co2 laser, my father and I chose Photovac Laser Worldwide for our service repair. Photovac Laser, we found to be a truly reliable United States repair resource for Coherent Lasers. We recommend others always look for fraudulent providers before having your laser serviced; Photovac ensured we had peace of mind and have done a great job!”

    Guillermo Tinoco, President
    GT Scale Models Inc.
    Miami Florida

  • Synrad 48-2 laser service

    Dear Lisa:

    ” I just wanted to thank you and let you know that our Synrad 48-2 laser tube arrived safely and without issues. I installed the laser tube and am very pleased with the results. No issues installing it, and it is performing flawlessly.”
    Pablo Tamayo
    Miami, Florida

  • Encore C02 Expert Laser Repair and Service

    Photovac Laser Worldwide continues as the foremost medical expert when it comes to medical Co2 laser tube and system repair. Encore laser systems are easily repaired with our in-house repair services. Photovac Laser Worldwide carries most parts including optics, power supplies, lenses, mirrors, and the most important G100M Medical Laser Tube. The G100M Medical Laser Tube is the heart of the system providing up to 125mj pulses and 60 watts of average power, When it comes to Radio Frequency laser tubes, Photovac Laser Worldwide is the only trusted source for your Co2 repair needs. Please pick up and call today to discuss your service needs. 614.875.3300 or 1.888.349.8823.

    Christopher Zelich, President

  • Synrad F201 Exchange Program

    Photovac Laser Worldwide has Synrad F201 for direct exchange. We will take your preexisting F201 and exchange it with a remanufactured F201 from Photovac Laser Worldwide. If your laser is intact, (virgin) and has not been tampered with by any third party, Photovac Laser will exchange it for $13,900.00. Photovac will offer you a full 6-month warranty repair or replacement depending upon the circumstances involved.

    For further information contact Lisa Finnell @ 614.875.3300 or 1.888.349.8823

  • Coherent(TM) J3 and J5 Laser Service

    To Coherent J3 & J5 Customers:

    Coherent(TM) J3 and J5 lasers have been in the field for several years, and the lasers are showing up at our door for service. The J-Series is a different laser and wholly redesigned, unlike the E400 laser. Like all sealed lasers, they break, and we have seen several of them over the past year. Photovac Laser is still in the process of gearing up to support the J3/J5 laser. Customers report Coherent won’t even fix it based on a part and charges $33,000 for an exchange unit. How can a laser that is barely 2-years old cost $33k to replace with a rebuilt laser head? Photovac Laser has identified one major defect in the laser cavity design that we can repair.

    Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to discuss your J-Series needs further. 1.888.349.8823 or 614.875.3300

  • Synrad Laser Non-Responsive to Customer Parts Support

    To all of our loyal customers:

    Photovac Laser makes every attempt to support you the customer with the best support we can offer. There are cases we depend upon the manufacture to support us with certain parts we must have to make your laser run at peak efficiency. Laser tubes are one of those necessities we require to continue the operational life of the laser. Synrad Laser makes it very hard for any customer to maintain their laser after a certain period of years. “Obsolences” is the word manufacturers use to sell you new lasers you don’t need or want. With some basic parts, the laser can be repaired at a fraction of the cost. But Synrad Laser wants you to purchase new and not repair the laser, or they want to tell you 20-weeks for a repair. But on the other hand, you can have a new laser in 3 weeks. This is a pure and simple strong-handed to sell you the new laser their ultimate goal.

  • Coherent Laser E400 Support. Full Support

    To all of our Coherent E400 Users:

    Coherent Laser (TM) has ended the end-of-life service for Coherent E400. Coherent, as far as we are told, will still give you an exchange laser head or RF for a little more time. This repair typically takes 6 to 8 weeks, not including shipping. Coherent charges typically $23,000 for the laser head and $20,000 for the RF exchange.

    Photovac Laser continues to support Coherent E400 with full remanufacturing capability. An East Coast company is trying to regas the laser for $7000.00. Whether you like it or not, they regas the laser and send it back. Their service regas lasts for a month or so before it goes wrong; sending the laser back to them and waiting months on end is not out of the question with this company. Your end results typically your laser is not fixed, bait and switched, and your out $7000 plus shipping.

    Photovac Laser is a full-service company. We have the parts to repair the laser cavity. There are leaks within the laser cavity in most cases, and Photovac can repair these leaks with new seals, unlike any other 3rd. Party fly-by-night organization. We have RF boards, delivery optics, and pelters for power sensors. No one has these parts except the manufacturer and Photovac Laser Worldwide.

    Please contact our sales team today and ask about our comprehensive services. 1.888.349.8823 or 614.875.3300

    Thank you.
    Christopher Zelich, President/CEO