To All Union Medical Laser Users:
Photovac Laser Worldwide continues to offer on-going support for older Union Medical UL 25 systems. Older Union Medical Systems 2006 or earlier unfortunately the laser tubes are extremely difficult to regas. With the use of the older (HV) High Voltage power supply, software and laser tube gas, an almost impossible balancing act is required to make the system work correctly. We tell our customers their laser should be replaced with the newest version Union Medical Ul 25 laser system. Photovac Laser will attempt to repair any older system, but making the customer aware in many cases it just doesn’t work out.
Listen folks, Union Medical offers a very inexpensive laser for a good cost. It’s not made in China, so your not buying a piece of crap. We support the new version laser throughout the United States! Make a business decision! Is the laser important enough to my business to invest in a reliable system for many years to come?
Call me today. I will be happy to work with you updating your older veterinary laser.
Christopher Zelich