Synrad Laser Non-Responsive to Customer Parts Support

To all of our loyal customers:

Photovac Laser makes every attempt to support you the customer with the best support we can offer. There are cases we depend upon the manufacture to support us with certain parts we must have to make your laser run at peak efficiency. Laser tubes are one of those necessities we require to continue the operational life of the laser. Synrad Laser makes it very hard for any customer to maintain their laser after a certain period of years. “Obsolences” is the word manufacturers use to sell you new lasers you don’t need or want. With some basic parts, the laser can be repaired at a fraction of the cost. But Synrad Laser wants you to purchase new and not repair the laser, or they want to tell you 20-weeks for a repair. But on the other hand, you can have a new laser in 3 weeks. This is a pure and simple strong-handed to sell you the new laser their ultimate goal.

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